Biomechanica Hungarica, Évf. 6, Szám 1

Integration of data resulting from various types of lumbar spine examinations

Aradi Petra, Danka László, Träger Gabriella, Lipovszki György, Abonyi Barbara


Lower back region and lumbar spine in particular can be measured and evaluated with a number of methods and from a number of viewpoints. Measurement method depends essentially on the objective. Tests can be static or dynamic, can target detection of pathological conditions or just evaluate persons with no specific complaints, can be performed once or repeatedly (as follow-up series).

Authors present the development of a complex system that records and stores examination data of various types and formats (image, video, numeric, text, etc.).

Moiré-based virtual imaging method and a mechano-optical handheld scanning device, developed at the Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Engineering Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME MOGI) are used for static examinations. Dynamic tests can be performed with the system (developed also at BME MOGI) that gives 3D information with the help of depth sensors. Conventional examination results, such as static pressure maps obtained with a podoscope, x-ray images, and results of manual measurements (distances, angles, muscle ductility) provide useful information one by one. Measurement protocols help systematic data collection.

Integrating measurement results from previously mentioned methods, and utilizing 3D visualization, data storage and processing, increases the amount of information compared to individual pieces of data, and previously unknown connections can be revealed.

The integrated data acquisition and processing system helps organization and systematic processing of data stored in various (file) formats, type (text, image, numerical, etc.) and information content.


DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/1/13

Megtekintések száma: 2928

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