Biomechanica Hungarica, Évf. 3, Szám 1

Study and examination of the implements used for securing pelvis bone

Simonovics János, Bodzay Tamás, Váradi Károly


Our goal was to compare the direct plate known as the “gold standard” technology in case of a pelvis fracture with the H-plate technology reinforced with iliolumbar fusion and the pelvis screwing technology reinforced with iliolumbar fusion, especially focusing on the matter of stability.

In our work we studied and examined the securing possibilities and stability of the transforaminal pelvis fracture using the finite element analysis. My colleauges and I created the anatomically correct model (including the 4th and 5th lumbars and cartilages under the lumbars). To create the model we used a previous geometric model used for older preceding analyses. During the modeling we perfected the geometry; we separated the different bone regions and paid close attention to create the scale model of the implements. The placements of the implements are appropriate and in accordance with real surgery procedures. We examined three different cases: standing on the healthy leg, standing on both legs and standing on the injured leg. The boundary conditions for the finite element analysis: the femur is fi xed and in case of standing on one leg the opposing side of the hip bone is fixed on both the X and Z axes directions. Furthermore both hip bones are fixed on the Y axis direction, and this applies when standing on both legs as well. We added the load to the 4th lumbar on the model. The value of the load is 500 N and the direction is –Z. We defined surface to surface connection between the femur and acetabulum and also between the side of the symphysis pubica and the fracture ends. We defined bonded connection between all the other components. In our analyses and evaluation we examined the arising stress values and also the displacements in the cortical and spongiosa regions and in the implements. We examined the elongation of the ligaments in the pelvis and measured the maximal distance between the fracture ends under load.

Considering the results of the stress states, the iliolumbar fusion technologies provide more stability. Therefore it is recommended to use these technologies, not mentioning the fact that the dorsal exposure puts the patient through considerably less trauma.

Considering the results of the fracture ends displacements it can be declared that the reason for the existence of the H-plate technology reinforced with iliolumbar fusion cannot be questioned. Therefore continuing the research can be justifi ed by further analyzing and examining dynamic loads on models extracted from CT images.


DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2010/1/26

Megtekintések száma: 3654

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