Biomechanica Hungarica, Évf. 3, Szám 1

Neck posture measurement amongst schoolchildren

Ormos Gábor, Kiss Rita


Background: There is a paucity in basic data concerning neck posture in childhood. Our aim was to gain preliminary data on the head/neck/shoulder posture, and to document their evolution with growth in schoolchildren.

Methods: For measuring posture digital photographs were taken of the children seated in a straight-high-backed chair. The camera (Agfa 5Ti, 5.2 megapixels) was located perpendicularly to each subject’s height, positioned from the left side, the focus was on the tragus with a standard distance of 150 cm. The fi rst photo was taken in the “neutral head posture” and a second photo in “resting” posture). The digital photos were then evaluated by a computer software program (distributed as Marker Angels). The angles analyzed were as follows: the craniovertebral angle (CVA), the head tilt angle (HTA), the shoulder angle (SHA). Subjects were hundred and fortyseven 9-year old, and hundred and fourtythree 16-year old schoolchildren, who were attending public school in different districts of Budapest.

Results: In the 16-year old’s group the CVA values have been found reduced signifi cantly (by an average of 8 degrees in neutral position and 6 degrees in resting position) compared to the 9 year olds. The HTA elevated by an average of 1.6 degrees (NS) in neutral position and reduced signifi cantly (by 4.2 degrees) in resting position. The values of the SHA elevated signifi cantly (by an average of 13.33 degrees in neutral position and 13.32 degrees in resting) between the 9–16 year olds, which referred to more protracted shoulder posture.

Discussion: The CVA characterizes the neck posture, the less it’s value, the more the forward position. The neck posture is in strong correlation to the head and the shoulder positions. That means forward bent neck position is in correlation to the so called “rounded” shoulder or the shoulder protraction. Although the position of the was found not consequent in neutral position, however was in correlation in resting position.

Conclusion: Measuring head/neck/shoulder posture by means of digital photos and evaula ted by computer program proved easy, useful method. We obtained preliminary descriptive data on neck posture in degrees of two age groups of schoolchildren. The comparison of the results pro ved the tendency of progression in “poor posture” during 7 schoolyears, between in the age of 9–16.


DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2010/1/22

Megtekintések száma: 7751

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